Navigation menu
February 18, 2020
The navigation menu offer quick access to the main pages in the application including and optional search box. The list can include nested entries that can be expanded in the menu. In the lover corner of the navigation menu is access to application settings and a vendor menu.
The navigation menu are present on all applications and offer a consistent way for navigating within an application.

Navigation menu
The navigation menu are present on all applications and offer a consistent way for navigating within an application.

Navigation menu
The navigation menu are present on all applications and offer a consistent way for navigating within an application.
Component building blocks
How to construct the navigation menu.
The navigation menu is built up of multiple components.

Colors and styles
The navigation menu uses the global container color. The dark area to the right overlays the other content on the screen when the navigation menu is open.

Typography and icons
The label tells you about your location in the application and makes it easy to access other parts.
This component is built up by a oval slider and icons.