March 15, 2020

Ecdis (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) is a geographic information system used for nautical navigation. For an electronic navigation equipment to be recognized as an ECDIS, it needs to comply with IMO adopted ECDIS revised performance standards and receive type approval by an administration or a designated recognized organisation. Systems with similar functions and purposes that do not meet these requirements are referred to as Electronic Chart Systems (ECS).
Please note that this case has not yet gone through the processes required for regulation approval, and should therefore only be viewed as an example of how an OpenBridge-compliant interface can be structured.
Application structure
The application uses the standard OpenBridge application structure.

The ECDIS interface exists in four different palettes: bright, day, dusk and night. The maps used in this case example stem from an existing, regulation-approved maritime system. They currently serve as placeholders, until new maps have been developed and adapted to the OpenBridge Design System.

Content structure
To clearly and efficiently communicate where the user should look when searching for different kinds of information or interactive elements, we advise that similar functions and pieces of information are placed close to each other.

Information area
In the ECDIS application the section to the left is reserved for readout data and other elements that are not interacted with. A similar solution is also recommended for other applications where regulations or user preferences leads to a default display of large amounts of information.

Operational functions
In this application the operational functions is located on the right-hand sideof the interface. When a function icon is selected, a panel will expand andreveal relevant functions.

Display functions
All functions that affect the actual display of the map (such as filters, orientation, etc) is grouped together at the bottom of the interface.
Sections and shortcuts
To cater for the variation in needs and requirements for different applications,the OpenBridge Design System allows for different ways of navigating within and between applications.

App sections
Some applications require different sections within the same application. Sections can be added as list items in the navigation menu that drops down from the hamburger menu for quick access.

App shortcuts
In bridges where it is necessary or natural to make quick swaps betweenapplications on the same screen, it is possible to add application shortcuts inthe topbar, to the immediate left of the global function icons. Note, however,that such shortcuts are considered extra elements, and should only be addedif the screen is wide enough to fit these next to the alert element that willappear in the topbar.

App menu
The application menu is the main channel for navigation between applications. For all applications with full functionality, the application center will always be accessible from the topbar.
Responsive scaling
To ensure an adequate user experience in the ECDIS interface, while also meeting the strict regulations set for systems such as ECDIS and RADAR, we recommend a minimum screen size of 27”. Implementation of the ECDIS app in larger monitors will provide more space. This has several advantages, for instance more space for displaying the map, the possibility to leave the function panel permanently expanded, and additional space to place optional widgets.